On Oct 12, 4:41 pm, Emily Hodges <em...@treestar.com> wrote:
> Printing or copy/pasting through Safari works great. It holds all the  
> formatting and keeps the doc looking the same way as it looks. This is  
> how I email all my reports through trac.
> Thanks,
> Emily
> Emily Hodges
> Engineering Project Manager/
> Database Administrator
> Tree Star Inc. / FLOWJO LLC.
> 541-201-0022 ext. 178
> em...@treestar.com
> On Oct 12, 2009, at 2:23 PM, yoheeb wrote:
> > Any thoughts on how I could print out (or export then print out)  all
> > the tickets in a project?  I really don't want to open all the tickets
> > at press the print button (although, printing through fire fox is
> > fine, if not preferred)
> > Yes, I know, we use a fancy tool like trac, then we go an print out
> > every darn thing, punch holes and shove it in a binder....sigh.  Maybe
> > a firefox extension could do the trick.
> > from what I can think, it would be a fancy for loop with some icing on
> > top.
> > I do prefer the print rendered by a browser however, not just a raw
> > text dump/print, although that is an option.
> > After ticket print just as if you press the print button in the
> > browser.  All ideas welcome,
> > thanks.

sorry for the resend, I had a typo in the original so I deleted it at
It looks great in firefox too, I just don't want to do it manually.

I found a solution:

using the internet explorer version(yes I know, bleh, but it's the
only one that supports print in free version) of iOpus's really cool
iMacro tool I stumbled into about an hour ago I came up with a
1.) download and install the IE extension from here: 
2.) create a new macro with that reads the following and save as
whatever name you want:

'Print tickets with the loop run for the YourProjectURL project.
'will print tickets 1- the max entered in the loop option box
URL GOTO=http://yourProjectURL/ticket/{{!LOOP}}
'print browser page
'3 seconds might be much

note: easiest way to create it is to "record" and "save" a macro, then
edit and past over everything, changing yourProjectURL to something
useful of course.
3.) if not already done, in IE, setup your page AND printing
preferences (via page setup).  preferences are needed if default
printer settings don't work for you out of the box.  I find I
minimally need to adjust the page margins in page setup for the
tickets to not extend off the page.

4) highlight the macro in the sidebar and select the play TAB
5.) at the bottom of play Play(LOOP) button on with 2 text fields
above it, one is disabled.  in the enabled one, enter the number of
your highest ticket value, say 399
6.) press Play(LOOP) and run to your printer to catch your print outs
and refill paper.  (I would suggest maybe slow printer times in the
office, depending on the number of tickets)

so, summary.

- install iMacros in IE
- create the above macro
- enter max ticket number in loop play option
- press play.

I love simple solutions.
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