On Nov 3, 6:55 am, Gem <gemma.came...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a plugin for trac (or a way) where the tickets
> associated with a milestone are automagically closed when the
> milestone finishes?
> Thanks!
> Gem

I use the "move open tickets to milestoneX" feature when I "complete"
a milestone.

I suppose if you wanted to close them out of hand like that (as
opposed to move them back into the backlog), you could create a
special milestone, when you close a milestone, move all tickets to
milestone:CloseAllThese  or whatever.  Then use the BatchModifyTickets
plugin, and list all tickets in that milestone in a query (ungrouped)
and just check the box up at the top, which will select all tickets,
and change state to closed, and resolution to (whatever you use for
iteration tickets that just get batch closed)

It makes it a 2 step process, but the second step is pretty simple.
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