n Jan 29, 9:25 am, Olemis Lang <ole...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:18 AM, Olemis Lang <ole...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 9:53 AM, yoheeb <yoh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [...]
> >> Why is setting max_diff_bytes and max_diff_files to 0 (or maybe 1,
> >> never tried 0 actually) not sufficient?
> > Probably performance (which is the main reason why the OP is looking
> > for such a thing, at least considering «Calculating all the diffs can
> > take a LOOOOOOOONG time» , isn't it? )
> >> you still get the full
> >> changeset summary with the links to the individual diffs.
> > I've not reviewed the code but that doesn't mean that DIFFs are not
> > calculated in the first place. If they don't then you're right (no
> > differences), otherwise
> > better performance => simplified solution => new plugin (clone ?)
> or
> better performance => flexible solution => new option in trac.ini =>
> new version of TracChangesets
> ... but that requires approval and intervention of Trac-devs (beyond
> my scope ;o)
> > ;o)
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Olemis.
I would still go with try setting it to 0, or 1 files first.  but
that's just me.  I have not looked at the code, but I would suspect
the max files setting is the early "abort" condition in the if
statement (yes I now, it's probably more complicated) that would have
the biggest impact on speed.  of course, it might actually diff 1 file
first, so setting max bytes to 1 also would improve.  Anyway, the OP
is after other specific changes as well, which seems like they should
consider a customization, separate plugin, or replacement handler

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