I had a similar situation and wrote some code to handle the movements.
It's designed for migrating a bunch of environments to a smaller set
of new environments (I did ~12 to 2). Basically you setup a map and
include ticket number paddings. Then all tickets from the old
environment are increased by that amount, and all links it can find
(except in changesets, obviously) are updated.

For us, we had no environments with 1000 tickets at the time, so we
had trac 1 padded by 1000, trac 2 padded by 2000, etc. That means that
trac 2's #123 became #2123. I then made new tickets start at 10000. It
worked out reasonably well.

The script (now 2 years old, but it was built on an early version of
0.12) is on trac-hacks.

Basically you just need to modify the example.py to reflect your
environments. http://trac-hacks.org/browser/tracmergescript/example.py

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:10 PM, mark ardiente <mark_k...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Bas,
> I'm using the ticketmover plugin which moves the ticket to a specified
> environment but I wish to modify
> it since you can only move tickets one at a time.
> Mark
> ________________________________
> From: BasHopman <bas.hop...@gmail.com>
> To: Trac Users <trac-users@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 29, 2010 1:48:12 PM
> Subject: [Trac] Re: How to transfer tickets from one environment to another
> Hi Mark,
> I posted a similar question recently here
> http://groups.google.com/group/trac-users/browse_thread/thread/389a0a9040dcbae3#
> Since I did not receive any response, I developed a solution myself.
> As I do not have very much in-debt knowledge about TRAC, I started
> using ticket_clone.py (http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TicketClone) and
> modified it.
> It comes down to this:
> - I modified ticket_clone.py such that it posts to a ticket_clone.php
> on the same server
> - ticket_clone.php offers a list of environments to which a ticket can
> be cloned (including the original environment where the ticket comes
> from)
> - after selecting the target environment en confirming,
> ticket_clone.php then uses XML-RPC calls to inject the ticket into the
> target environment, in the description a link is added to the original
> ticket
> - additionally, ticket_clone.php uses a XML-RPC call to update the
> original ticket with comment containing a reference to the newly
> created ticket
> I would have preferred implementing it fully within the TRAC
> environment, but as stated earlier, I do not have the knowledge
> needed, so this is second best...
> Please let me know what you think about this solution.
> Bas
> On Apr 29, 5:32 am, mark ardiente <mark_k...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> It would be great if someone could help me transfer tickets from a
>> previous trac environment to another trac environment.
>> My problem is the ticket id wouldn't be unique anymore and reference to it
>> would be broken once it tickets are transferred.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark
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