Hi Richard,


* On a related note: I assume there has accumulated lots of cruft in
our trac.ini (read in the .ini of the last remaining - consolidated -
trac), is there any way to find out what of this isn't used anymore?

i recently ran into the same problem. My solution was to merge the old
configuration from Trac 0.10.4 into a default sample configuration from
0.12.1 and then manually reduce the overhead


#==> merge.py <==
import os
import glob
from ConfigParser import ConfigParser

# new default configuration from 0.12.1
sample = "/tmp/sample/conf/trac.ini"

# path to 0.10.4 environments
basedir = "/var/trac/environments"
ini_files = glob.glob(basedir + '/*/conf/trac.ini')

write sorted configuration to file,
if specified, appends extension to file name
def write(file, extension, config):
    if extension != '':
        file += "." + extension
        out = open(file, "w")
        out.write('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n\n')

        for section in sorted(config.sections()):
            out.write('[%s]\n' % section)
            for option in config.options(section):
                value = config.get(section, option)
                value = value.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\n', '\n ')
                out.write('%s = %s\n' % (option, value))

    except Exception:
Compares to configurations. Differences in section or
option will be merged from config_1 to config_2.
Conflicts are treated in such a way, that an affected option
from config_2 will be written as a comment.

Returns the merged configuration.
def merge(config_1, config_2):

    for section in sorted(config_1.sections()):
        if ( not config_2.has_section(section)):

        for option in sorted(config_1.options(section)):
            if (config_2.has_option(section, option)):
                value = config_2.get(section, option)
                config_2.remove_option(section, option)
            config_2.set(section, "# " + option, value)
            config_2.set(section, option, config_1.get(section, option))
    return config_2

default = ConfigParser()
# backup normalized sample
write(sample, '0.12.1', default)

for file in ini_files:
    print file

    config = ConfigParser()
    # backup normalized 0.10.4 configuration
    write(file, "0.10.4", config)
    config_merged = merge(config, default)
    write(file, "0.12.1", config_merged)
# <<EOF

Eike Jordan  <jor...@fiz-chemie.de>

| Franklin Str. 11               ------    ,__o
| 10587 Berlin                  ------   _-\_<,
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| Tel. : 0049-30-39977 214

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