> -----Original Message-----
> From: trac-users@googlegroups.com On Behalf Of Matthew Crane
> Sent: 07 February 2011 12:53
> To: Trac Users
> Subject: [Trac] Work flows - Reassigned Testing
> Hello,
> I'm something of a newcomer to Trac and I was hoping I could seek some
> assistance in customising the Trac work flow to reflect that of our
> office.
> Basically I'd like to introduce a testing phase, so a ticket would be
> created, the work done and then the programmer would select 'submit
> for testing' and the ticket would then be reassigned to the reporter
> (who could either return the job for further testing or close it).
> I've been following the instructions on 
> http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracWorkflow
> which are perfect except it doesn't reassign the ticket (when choosing
> testing)
> Any suggestions on how best to solve this would be most appreciated.
> The lines I have thus far added to workflow are below:
> testing = new,accepted,needs_work,assigned,reopened -> testing
> testing.name = Submit to reporter for testing
> testing.permissions = TICKET_MODIFY
> reject = testing -> needs_work
> reject.name = Failed testing, return to developer
> pass = testing -> closed
> pass.name = Passes Testing
> pass.operations = set_resolution
> pass.set_resolution = fixed
The line I think you are missing is something like:

testing.operations = set_owner

...this will allow the owner to be changed to the (user
selected/specified) user.  However, there is no automagic 'assign to
reporter' option like "set_owner_to_self"...

~ mark c

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