On 04/12/2011 05:44 AM, Hasibullah wrote:
# chmod 777 -r /usr/local/trac/mysite   // i gave full permission
after doing this the problem was solved but .

This is fine for testing, but is a very bad idea for a permanent solution. Set permissions correctly such that the apache user (whatever user apache runs as) has rw permission to that directory - NOT everyone.

It showed this error message  and i don't know what to do, i upgraded
it but the trac server said "no need to upgrade"

error message

Trac Error

TracError: The Trac Environment needs to be upgraded.

Run "trac-admin /usr/local/trac/mysite upgrade"

If I understand you correctly, you are saying that trac is telling you to run the above command, but when you do it says that there is no need to upgrade, yet when you load trac it still says an upgrade is needed?

If so, that is very strange.

If not, run that command.
Matthew Caron
Build Engineer
Sixnet | www.sixnet.com
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