Quoting "Magnus Therning" <mag...@therning.org>:
They way I understand your plugin it would most likely not be
acceptable in our environment.  Having trac-admins write scripts that
get executed on the server is not something the system-admin will
allow.  (This is in the name of security, and I know that there are
other garage-door sized wholes already, like the ability for a
trac-admin to upload any plugin.  But hey, I'm not keen on trying to
push through an obvious way for trac-admins to run code on the server
by pointing out that there already is another, less obvious, way to do
just that.  Not when that other mechanism is so useful to me as a
trac-admin.  :)

Just to be sure: Does your Trac run under uid 0 (root)?
This would be completely unacceptable, of course. If Trac
runs as its own, separated user, the shell scripts still
can do harm, but e.g. not kill the system.

Uploading plugins can be easily prohibited by setting the
plugin dir to 555, very simple. Btw. plugins are only stored
in the plugins dir and cannot access data, that the trac
user (hopefully not root/0) is not allowed to access.


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