On Monday, March 12, 2012 11:46:03 AM UTC+1, Kamil wrote:My questions:
> 1. What is that PYTHONPATH variable? To which value it has to be switch 
> set?

If you have virtualenv installed, and have activated it (either by 
"activate" or by running configured scripts directly like 
"/path/to/env/bin/easy_install") all environment settings should be 
prepared for you. You should just use the defaults for the virtualenv and 
don't need additional paths, so really just ignore it. The modules you 
install for the virtualenv will end up in 
/path/to/env/lib/python2.x/site-packages/ which is just fine, and don't use 
additional configuration or command-line switches when installing.

> 2. What is that source /path/to/env/bin/activate command for?

See 1. It basically switches your shell to environment variables prepared 
for the virtualenv you activate. So that you run the correct scripts, 
install to correct locations etc. You may want to read through the 
virtualenv docs and make sure you understand what virtualenv is (and 
isn't): http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv

> 3. If I install this in my Python/Trac environment will the plugin be 
> available to all my trac sites automatically?

Yes, it will be a "global" install - for all trac processes that originate 
in that virtualenv. Need to be enabled in each project.

> 4. Where to observe the log if any?



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