On 06/18/2012 06:44 PM, mbs400 wrote:
    ( 2 ) I have no clue how to patch, the install (can you point me in
    the right direction. I know it's a lot to ask but perhaps you might
    be so kind to list the steps ?. I wouldn't ask, but I've been
    working on this for days now..), which was :

    $ sudo easy_install http://github.com/hvr/trac-git-plugin/tarball/master

And that is the problem with easy installs. They hide complexity, so what otherwise would be an intuitive learning curve becomes a crash course. This is why we don't use them, and every plugin and the core trac source is mirrored locally because we hack the crap out of them. Anyway....

git clone https://github.com/hvr/trac-git-plugin.git
cd trac-git-plugin/
git remote add patch https://github.com/choey/trac-git-plugin.git
git fetch patch
git merge patch/master
python setup.py bdist_egg
cp dist/TracGit- <wherever the egg goes>
<restart trac>
Matthew Caron, Build Engineer
Sixnet, a Red Lion business | www.sixnet.com
+1 (518) 877-5173 x138 office

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