
I'm not sure how to add file type that Pygments supports natively, but
that Trac does not recognize.

For example, CMake files have been supported by Pygments for a long
time (since 1.2), but Trac does not manage them.

It seems the way to go (from
http://trac.edgewall.org/wiki/TracIni#mimeviewer-section) is to add
CMake type to the mime_map option.

I've added "text/x-cmake:cmake" and now the syntax highlighter works
with "#!cmake" in quoted blocks. However, Trac file browser does not
highlight CMakeLists.txt files. I've added
"text/x-cmake:CMakeLists.txt" to the mime_map option, but it does not

1. Specific question: How to specify to Trac that "CMakeLists.txt"
files should be highlighted
2. Generic question: How to tell Trac to defer all highlighting
decisions to Pygments,  which already knows about all supported types,
rather than letting Trac performs the mapping on its own - is it even


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