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Am 22.08.2012 04:33, schrieb Albert Chin:
> Hi. I need help designing a report to show all tickets where the user
> is the owner, reporter, or tickets they have not created but tickets
> they have left a comment on. It's the last part that's tricky. I can
> accomplish the first two with:
>   SELECT p.value AS __color__,
>      t.milestone AS __group__,
>      id AS ticket, t.type AS type, owner, reporter,
>      time as created, changetime AS modified
>     FROM ticket t, enum p
>     WHERE owner = 'gary' OR reporter = 'gary'
>     ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.type, t.time

No, this won't work as you might expect. You'll need to JOIN tables, or
you'll end up with a lot of duplicated rows otherwise (look for
'cartesian product', if you don't understand that).

This is one is a more appropriate report SQL statement, at least to show

"(current) user is owner or reporter"

  p.value AS __color__,
  t.milestone AS __group__,
  id AS ticket, t.type AS type, owner, reporter,
  time as created, changetime AS modified
FROM ticket t
LEFT JOIN enum p ON p.name = t.priority AND p.type = 'priority'
WHERE owner = $USER OR reporter = $USER
ORDER BY t.milestone, p.value, t.type, t.time

Note, that I replaced you hard-coded username with one of the available
variables to dynamically show results depending on logged in user,
because you might rather want that instead of one-report-per-user.

About the comment, this is in another table, ticket_change. I'm just
looking at it. Will keep you updated, if I see a way to do this too.


Steffen Hoffmann
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