
I am experiencing an interesting issue after updating trac from .11 to .12 
-- The latest available on this particular Ubuntu Server system.

We have had issues with Trac / Mylyn in the past, but this one is new to 
me. Here are the basic symptoms. I will be glad to elaborate when necessary.

The main problem arises when I try to do a basic update to a ticket: Adding 
a comment. A nasty set of errors occur. Eclipse shows some ugly red text, 
"Unable to connect at this time, check connectivity and try again". 
Clicking the error shows this: 'No permissions to add a comment. while 
executing ticket.update()'

My trac server logs show 

2014-01-16 09:21:57,592 Trac[xml_rpc] ERROR: No permissions to add a 
2014-01-16 09:21:57,592 Trac[xml_rpc] ERROR: Traceback (most recent call 
line 158, in _rpc_process
    result = (XMLRPCSystem(self.env).get_method(method_name)(req, args))[0]
line 197, in __call__
    result = self.callable(req, *args)
line 250, in update
    " ".join([warning for warning in req.chrome['warnings']]))
ServiceException: No permissions to add a comment.

Trolling the Ted Stevens Tubes, I see some old issues people have had with 
similar or identical errors. So I go about checking my system...

Yup, I use the AccountManager plugin, and by jolly, it's configured 
correctly. I'm using ' 0.12.2-1build1' package of Trac as supplied by my 
trusty Debian/Ubuntu peoples. I'm using Mylyn 3.10 in latest eclipse 
Kepler, but the issue was also experienced using mylyn 3.9. 

Here's the interesting part:

When I delete my task repo, and add it again, using my trac credentials, it 
validates. I go about creating a query, limiting tickets by owner (me!), 
and voila. A few moments later, a list of tickets appear. I see a testing 
ticket I'm using during this debug process, and I throw a comment at it, 
and click Submit. It post, and the data is recorded. I've also watched a 
wireshark session and I saw my authentication data being posted to /login. 

What I notice immediately after the successful post is that "My Tickets" 
query blanks out, and the Unmatched ticket list starts to populate. 
Interesting to say the least. So, I enter a new comment into my ticket, and 
I get this permission denied error.

Wireshark fails to show me that same /login post any longer. All I see now 
are /xmlrpc/login posts, with no useful data in them. Now, there is a 
session id in there, but I'm unsure if that has any bearing on the 

Regardless... if I go about nuking the task repo, re-creating, re-querying 
for tickets, and posting a single ticket comment update, again, it works. 
The cycle then repeats.


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