Do not update to Trac's Python to 3.x. That will definitely break things.
Or do you mean to update to 2.7.10? That might be less of a problem, but you might still need to recreate eggs etc. I'm not sure.


On 06.07.2015 10:51, Ita wrote:
Thanks, Peter.
I'm a little further along now. I started LibreOffice from the command line in the way you suggested - thanks! So simple. It's there but the plugin still isn't working. Looking back at the documentation I realised I'd forgotten about the script, which must be located on the path. I dropped in the script and it runs but can't import 'uno'. 'uno' seems to be a tool that allows you to interact with Libreoffice. Clearly, I will need it. It looks like I'll have to update my python version before I install 'uno' (I'm at 2.7.6). At least my version of LibreOffice seems acceptable. If I update my python version I'm afraid I might break Trac, which everyone else in the office depends on. What's the conventional wisdom here? Should I be afraid, very afraid, or will it probably just work?
Cheers, Ita

On Saturday, 4 July 2015 06:34:15 UTC+1, Peter Suter wrote:

    On 03.07.2015 11:33, Ita wrote:
    > My problem came with running init-script as it's not a Windows

    I have not used docrenderplugin. From looking at the script it
    seems you
    can just start LibreOffice directly instead of using the script:

    "C:\Program Files (x86)\LibreOffice 4\program\soffice.exe" --headless
    --nologo --nofirststartwizard --nodefault

    This starts a LibreOffice "in the background". I think that should be
    enough to get the plugin working.

    > After peering at it for a while I decided that I could achieve
    the same
    > thing by running LibreOffice as a Windows Service. Unfortunately, I
    > haven't been able to discover a way of doing this, even with the
    help of
    > Google.
    > Since it looks like LibreOffice can be run as a service on Unix
    I can't
    > see why it wouldn't be possible on Windows, but I'm in new
    > here and would love some help from anyone who's done this or who
    > how to go about it. Maybe my approach is totally wrong and I
    should be
    > going about it another way?

    But the above is not as a "real" Windows Service. If you need
    that,  you
    can apparently just wrap the above command in a generic Windows
    wrapper like srvany.exe from the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit:

    (This page uses OpenOffice but I assume the same also works for

    You could maybe also try nssm (instead of srvany.exe):

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