On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 07:56:36PM +0100, Peter Suter wrote:
> On 18.01.2017 09:43, Sandro Santilli wrote:
> >
> >The RecipientMatcher class is not documented so it is not clear
> >what the expected input is.
> The input is some string found in a ticket field. It could be an email
> address, a username or just a plain name, or even something (anything) else.
> RecipientMatcher is trying to find matching known usernames or valid email
> addresses that could be used as recipients.

In our case we need the EmailResolver to tell what can or cannot be used
as a recipient, but RecipientMatcher does not use EmailResolver.
The *caller* does, and only does IF RecipientMatcher does not return None,
which currently does unless the "sid" matches an authenticated user.

> The reason that RecipientMatcher does exactly that is mainly backward
> compatibility. Those are the things that have been supported historically,
> so they should continue to work.

Do you think EmailResolver returning a name even if it's not authenticated
could break something ? The returned tuple does have an "authenticated"
field, so could be used by caller not willing to deal with non-authenticated
strings ...


> >>As a last (and not very satisfying) resort, you could also replace all the
> >>INotificationSubscribers with your own implementations that work like you
> >>want I guess. :/
> >This would be no different than applying the patch above, right ?
> It would only be different in that you don't have to patch the source.

Got it, but sounds overkill at this stage.


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