I was recently advised to upgrade Trac 1.2.3 to 1.2.6 to address an issue with 
TracQuery using custom fields.
Specifically, I am getting the following error when using TracQuery with custom 
Trac detected an internal error:
OperationalError: ambiguous column name: id

Below is the environment:
*       Trac  1.2.3
*       Genshi 0.7 (with speedups)
*       mod_python 3.3.1
*       Pygments 2.1
*       pysqlite 2.7.0
*       Python 2.7.12
*       setuptools 20.7.0
*       SQLite 3.11.0
*       jQuery 1.11.3
*       jQuery UI 1.11.4
*       jQuery Timepicker 1.5.5
*       Apache2 2.4.18

I would appreciate some guidance on upgrading to 1.2.6.

When the system was upgraded in 2019 from Trac 1.0.9 to 1.2.3, it was done 
using easy_install --upgrade Trac.
A global directory was setup for the python egg cache.
An export statement was added to /etc/apache2/envvars as per Trac v. 1.2 
deployment instructions:

Since we used easy_install for the Trac 1.2.3 upgrade, does that mean we have 
to use it again to upgrade to Trac 1.2.6?
Can we instead use pip?
If we can use pip, can we remove the global python egg cache directory as well 
as the export PKG_RESOURCES_CACHE_ZIP_MANIFESTS=1 statement?
It is my understanding that pip does not use eggs, but rather flat packages.

Patty Cottrill

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