On Sun, Mar 24, 2024 at 21:35 Clemens Feige <c.fe...@osypkamed.com
<mailto:c.fe...@osypkamed.com>> wrote:


    The CcSelectorPlugin produces an error message if Babel is not



    I have been using the CcSelectorPlugin for many years. Now I
    re-installed my TRAC server (now with TRAC 1.6). Intentionally I decided
    to install TRAC without Babel because we do not want multi-lingual

    After installing CcSelectorPlugin (Version 0.3, TrackHacks Revision
    18597, from Nov. 2023, installation via PIP) it presents the following
    error when I click the "CC Selection" button:

    Trac detected an internal error:
    KeyError: 'dgettext'

    The Python Traceback points to "site-packages/trac/util/translation.py".

    Of course the solution is to install Babel, which will solve the

    Nevertheless IMHO either a plug-in should clearly state its dependencies
    during installation (or during run-time or in the documentation). Best
    of course would be, if the plug-in could run without Babel.
    After all, Babel is just optional for TRAC.

    Don't get me wrong. I do not complain or blame. I just want to avoid
    that people remove this nice plug-in just because they are facing a
    "mysterious" error and do not see the simply solution to install Babel.

    Unfortunately I know only little about Python and nothing about Babel
    and thus cannot offer a patch. Shall I file a bug report?

    Best regards

Jun Omae wrote on 24.03.2024 at 13:46:
Could you please post entire of the traceback?

Here is the traceback.

Python Traceback
File "/data/trac/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/trac/web/main.py",
line 609, in dispatch_request dispatcher.dispatch(req)
File "/data/trac/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/trac/web/main.py",
line 301, in dispatch raise e
File "/data/trac/python/lib/python3.11/site-packages/trac/web/main.py",
line 265, in dispatch output = chrome.render_template(req, template,
data, metadata)
line 1381, in render_template template, data =
self.prepare_template(req, filename, data, text,
line 1487, in prepare_template domain_functions =
translation.domain_functions(domain, symbols)
line 92, in domain_functions return [_functions[s] for s in symbols]
line 92, in <listcomp> return [_functions[s] for s in symbols]

One can also "simulate" the issue by temporarily renaming the babel
installation directory. See attached screen shot.


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