R David Murray added the comment:

As Martin (I think) has said, just how damaging would compromising this 
password be?  Tracker changes are all reversible.

On the other hand I'm in favor of using https in general.  This was discussed 
on the infrastructure list, and the issue is that bugs is hosted on different 
infrastructure.  bugs is probably the last service that will be addressed.  If 
this concerns you enough you could check back in the infrastructure mailing 
list archives for that discussion, and figure out whether there is a next step 
we could take in the meantime (I think putting a copy of the *.python.org cert 
or getting a bugs.python.org cert was discussed, but I don't remember for 
sure).  I'm willing to help with the server config part of it, but I'm not 
worried enough about it to drive the process myself :)

nosy: +r.david.murray
status: unread -> chatting

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