New submission from Gregory P Smith: emails contain misleading text such as

Changes by so and so

pull_requests: +1081

When a Github Pull Request is associated with an issue.

Which is *entirely useless* as 1081 is NOT a github PR number.

It appears to be an internal bpo database key.  Please never expose that!

This makes an email based workflow impossible as I cannot go from the email to 
the Github PR in question.  What this needs to be is text containing the actual 
Github PR number hyperlinked directly to the Github PR itself.

In this example, the above was trigged by the "2017-03-31 09:36:35      dstufft 
set     pull_requests: + pull_request1081" action on which should really link to if I understand properly.

Please consider email based workflows.

I do not want to open bpo to hunt through the UI for one of two places that may 
contain the link that eventually gets me to the right page.

messages: 3327
nosy: gregory.p.smith
priority: bug
status: unread
title: bpo emails contain useless non-github pull_request number - users want a 
link to actual github PR

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