2007/7/1, jamie <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Sun, 2007-07-01 at 02:48 +0200, Michael Biebl wrote:

> P.S: make check is currently failing for test-tracker-indexer.

yeah I will remove test-tracker-indexer as its no longer needed

Patch for that is attached.
I also included a small cleanup for
src/tracker-search-tool/Makefile.am, where I removed
tracker-search-tool.schemas from EXTRA_DIST, as there is no such file


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?
Index: src/trackerd/test-tracker-indexer.c
--- src/trackerd/test-tracker-indexer.c	(Revision 630)
+++ src/trackerd/test-tracker-indexer.c	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -1,375 +0,0 @@
-/* Test suite for the tracker indexer */
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "tracker-indexer.h"
-#include "tracker-utils.h"
-Tracker	*tracker;
-static char *words[] = {"word1", "word2", "word3", "word4", "word5", "word6", NULL};
-static char *words_123[] = {"word1", "word2", "word3", NULL};
-static char *words_12[] = {"word1", "word2", NULL};
-static char *words_56[] = {"word5", "word6", NULL};
-static char *words1[] = {"word1", NULL};
-static char *words2[] = {"word2", NULL};
-static char *words3[] = {"word3", NULL};
-static char *words4[] = {"word4", NULL};
-static char *words5[] = {"word5", NULL};
-static char *words6[] = {"word6", NULL};
-static Indexer *file_indexer;
-static int fail_count;
-static GTimeVal *tv;
-static GSList *
-do_search (char** wordarray, int offset, int limit)
-	GSList *list;
-	int i;
-	char *st = g_strjoinv (", ", wordarray); 
-	g_message ("CHECKING: search for %s with offset %d and limit %d", st, offset, limit);
-	tv = tracker_timer_start ();
-	list = tracker_indexer_get_hits (file_indexer, wordarray, 0, 5, offset, limit, TRUE, &i);
-	tracker_timer_end (tv, "word search took ");
-	g_message ("%d search results returned from %d ", g_slist_length (list), i);	
-	GSList *l;
-	for (l=list; l; l=l->next) {
-		SearchHit *hit = l->data;
-		g_message ("hit for %d with score %d", hit->service_id, hit->score);
-	}
-	return list;
-static void
-check_list (GSList *list, int pos, int sid, int score)
-	GSList *l;
-	if (pos > -1) {
-		l = g_slist_nth (list, pos);
-		if (!l) {
-			fail_count++;
-			g_message ("FAIL : list position %d is not available", pos);
-			return;
-		}
-		SearchHit *hit = l->data;
-		if (sid > 0 && sid != hit->service_id) {
-			fail_count++;
-			g_message ("FAIL : expected service id %d not found at position %d (%d was found instead)", sid, pos, hit->service_id);
-			return;
-		}
-		if (score > 0 && score != hit->score) {
-			fail_count++;
-			g_message ("FAIL : expected score %d for service id %d is the worng value (%d was found instead)", score, sid, hit->score);
-			return;
-		}
-	} else {
-		for (l=list; l; l=l->next) {
-			SearchHit *hit = l->data;
-			if (hit->service_id == sid ) {
-				g_message ("FAIL : service id %d was not expected in list", sid);	
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	g_message ("SUCESS : expected value %d found in correct place %d in list with score %d", sid, pos, score);
-static void
-check_count (GSList *list, int count)
-	int c = g_slist_length (list);
-	if (c != count) {
-		fail_count++;
-		g_message ("FAIL : expected list count of %d is different from actual count of %d", count,c);
-		return;
-	}
-	g_message ("PASS : count check okay on result");
-static void
-load_data ()
-	int a;
-	for (a = 1; a<11; a++) {
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word1", a, 1, a)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word1", a+10, 1, a+10)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word1", a+20, 2, a+20)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word1", a+30, 3, a+30)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word1", a+40, 4, a+40)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word2", a, 1, a+30)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word2", a+10, 1, a+200)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word2", a+20, 2, a+10)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word2", a+30, 3, a)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word3", a, 1, 4)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word3", a+10, 1, 200)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word3", a+30, 3, 1)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word3", a+40, 4, 5)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word4", a, 1, 12)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word4", a+10, 1, 200)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word4", a+20, 2, 10)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word4", a+40, 4, 5)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-	}
-	for (a = 1; a<10000; a++) {
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word5", a, 1, 11)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-	}
-	for (a = 1; a<10000; a++) {
-		if (!tracker_indexer_append_word (file_indexer, "word6", a, 1, 1)) g_message ("ERROR - could not add word") ;
-	}
-static void
-do_updates_check ()
-	g_message ("\n\nStarting update checks\n\n");
-	GSList *l;
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	/* check and manipulate a value in the middle of the list */
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: middle value 5's score by +100");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 5, 1,  100, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, 0, 5, 105);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: middle value 5's score by -100");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 5, 1, -100, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, 5, 5, 5);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: middle value 5's score by -5 ");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 5, 1, -5, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, -1, 5, 0);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: middle value 5's score by 5 ");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 5, 1, 5, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, 5, 5, 5);
-	/* check and manipulate the first value in the list */
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: first value 1's score by +100");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 1, 1, 100, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, 0, 1, 101);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: first value 1's score by -100");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 1,  1, -100, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, 9, 1, 1);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: first value 1's score by -1 ");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 1, 1, -1, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, -1, 1, 0);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: first value 1's score by +1");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 1, 1, +1, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, 9, 1, 1);
-	/* check and manipulate the last value in the list */
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: last value 50's score by +100");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 50, 1, 100, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, 0, 50, 150);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: last value 50's score by -100");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 50,  1, -100, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, 0, 50, 50);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: last value 50's score by -1 ");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 50, 1, -50, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, -1, 50, 0);
-	g_message ("\n\nUPDATING: last value 50's score by +1");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 50, 1, +50, FALSE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, 0, 50, 50);
-	/* test explicit word removal */
-	g_message ("\n\nRemoving first value");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 1,  1, 1, TRUE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, -1, 1, 1);
-	g_message ("\n\nRemoving 5 value");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 5,  1, -1, TRUE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  40, 10);
-	check_list (l, -1, 5, 2);
-	g_message ("\n\nRemoving last value");
-	tracker_indexer_update_word (file_indexer, "word1", 50,  1, 0, TRUE);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_list (l, -1, 50, 3);
-static void
-do_search_checks ()
-	g_message ("\n\nStarting search checks\n\n");
-	GSList *l;
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 100);
-	check_count (l, 50);
-	l = do_search (words1,  0, 10);
-	check_count (l, 10);
-	l = do_search (words1, 10, 10);
-	check_count (l, 10);
-	l = do_search (words1, 20, 10);
-	check_count (l, 10);
-	l = do_search (words1, 45, 10);
-	check_count (l, 5);
-	l = do_search (words1, 49, 10);
-	check_count (l, 1);
-	l = do_search (words1, 50, 10);
-	check_count (l, 0);
-	l = do_search (words1, 51, 10);
-	check_count (l, 0);
-	g_message ("\n\nTesting multiple word retrievals...\n\n");
-	l = do_search (words_12, 0, 100);
-	check_count (l, 40);
-	l = do_search (words_123, 0, 100);
-	check_count (l, 30);
-	l = do_search (words_56, 0, 100);
-	check_count (l, 100);
-	l = do_search (words, 0, 100);
-	check_count (l, 20);
-	/* testing offset and limit */
-	l = do_search (words, 0, 5);
-	check_count (l, 5);
-	l = do_search (words, 5, 5);
-	check_count (l, 5);
-	l = do_search (words, 10, 5);
-	check_count (l, 5);
-	l = do_search (words, 15, 5);
-	check_count (l, 5);
-	l = do_search (words, 20, 5);
-	check_count (l, 0);
-	l = do_search (words, 19, 1);
-	check_count (l, 1);
-	l = do_search (words, 21, 5);
-	check_count (l, 0);
-main (int argc, char **argv)
-	int a;
-	char *test_db;
-	tracker = g_new (Tracker, 1);
-	tracker->verbosity = -1;
-	if (!g_thread_supported ()) {
-		g_thread_init (NULL);
-	}
-	test_db = g_build_filename (g_get_home_dir(), ".Tracker", "databases", "test", NULL);
-	tracker_remove_dirs (test_db);
-	file_indexer = tracker_indexer_open ("test");
-	fail_count = 0;
-	/* do update/delete test */
-	load_data ();
-	do_updates_check ();
-	tracker_indexer_close (file_indexer);	
-	tracker_remove_dirs (test_db);
-	file_indexer = tracker_indexer_open ("test");
-	load_data ();
-	//do_search_checks ();
-	tracker_indexer_close (file_indexer);	
-	tracker_remove_dirs (test_db);
-	g_free(test_db);
-	g_free(tracker);
-	if (fail_count == 0) {
-		g_message ("\n\n\nSUCESS : Test passed all results :))))");
-	} else {
-		g_message ("\n\n\nFAILURE : test failed %d times", fail_count);
-		return EXIT_FAILURE;
-	}
-	return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Index: src/trackerd/Makefile.am
--- src/trackerd/Makefile.am	(Revision 630)
+++ src/trackerd/Makefile.am	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -39,24 +39,6 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = trackerd
-TESTS = test-tracker-indexer
-check_PROGRAMS = $(TESTS)
-test_tracker_indexer_SOURCES =		\
-	tracker-indexer.c		\
-	test-tracker-indexer.c		\
-	tracker-utils.c			\
-	tracker-utils.h
-test_tracker_indexer_LDADD = 		\
-	$(GLIB2_LIBS)			\
-	$(QDBM_LIBS)			\
-	-lz				\
-	$(top_builddir)/src/libstemmer/libstemmer-private.la \
-	$(top_builddir)/src/xdgmime/libxdgmime.la
 trackerd_SOURCES =			\
 	trackerd.c			\
 	$(inotify_sources)		\
Index: src/tracker-search-tool/Makefile.am
--- src/tracker-search-tool/Makefile.am	(Revision 630)
+++ src/tracker-search-tool/Makefile.am	(Arbeitskopie)
@@ -45,9 +45,5 @@
 EXTRA_DIST = $(desktop_in_files) $(icon_DATA)
-	$(desktop_DATA)			\
-	tracker-search-tool.schemas
+CLEANFILES = $(desktop_DATA)
-	cd $(distdir) ; rm -f $(CLEANFILES)
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