2007/9/18, Leslie Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I hope to compile tracker-0.6.2.
> When I run "configure", the process stops with the message that no glib-2.0 
> has been found.
> When I query my existing packages, I'm told I do have installed both 
> glib2-2.4.8 and glib2-devel-2.4.8. They were installed from rpms and so are, 
> I assume, in the orthodox locations.
> Is it the case that glib-2.0 is something different from glib2?

Your glib is too old. You need at least 2.10 or for all features (like
the gui) 2.12 or newer.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?
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