After updating my Gentoo system, transcode does not work anymore for
converting AVI (mp3 audio) to MPEG2 (ac3 audio).

transcode was updated from 1.0.7 to 1.1.5. I had to change a few command
line options, but I think, they are correct now:

mkfifo "$1.fifo"

nice transcode -N 0x2000 -b 224 -E 48000 -m "$1.ac3" -k --write_pid
transcode.pid -i "$1" -M 4 -y yuv4mpeg,tcaud -o "$1.fifo" &

nice cat "$1.fifo" | nice /work/videotools/y4mscaler/y4mscaler -S
option=sinc:8 -v 0 -I sar=16:9 -I active=640x368+0+0 -O size=720x576 -O
active=720x576+0+0 | nice mpeg2enc -v 0 -I 0 -f 8 -b 9000 -n p -a 3 -o
"$1.m2v" -q 4 -K tmpgenc -D 10 -4 2 -2 1 -R 2

But I get these warnings/errors:

transcode v1.1.5 (C) 2001-2003 Thomas Oestreich, 2003-2009 Transcode Team
[transcode] V: auto-probing     | test.avi (OK)
[transcode] V: import format    | XviD in RIFF data, AVI (module=ffmpeg)
[transcode] A: auto-probing     | test.avi (OK)
[transcode] A: import format    | MPEG ES Layer 3 in RIFF data, AVI
[transcode] V: AV demux/sync    | (4) initial PTS / enforce frame rate
[transcode] V: import frame     | 640x368  1.74:1  encoded @ UNKNOWN
[transcode] V: rgb2bgr          | yes
[transcode] V: bits/pixel       | 0.306
[transcode] V: decoding fps,frc | 25.000,3
[transcode] V: video format     | YUV420 (4:2:0) aka I420
[transcode] A: import format    | 0x55    MPEG ES Layer 3 [48000,16,2]
160 kbps
[transcode] A: export format    | 0x2000  AC3          [48000,16,2]  224
[transcode] V: export format    | unknown (module dependant)
[transcode] V: encoding fps,frc | 25.000,3
[transcode] A: bytes per frame  | 7680 (7680.000000)
[transcode] A: adjustment       | 0...@1000
[transcode] V: IA32/AMD64 accel | sse3 sse2 sse 3dnowext 3dnow mmxext
mmx cmove asm
[transcode] V: video buffer     | 10 @ 640x368 [0x2]
[transcode] A: audio buffer     | 10 @ 48000x2x16
[import_mp3.so] v0.1.4 (2003-08-04) (audio) MPEG
[import_ffmpeg.so] v0.1.15 (2008-01-28) (video) ffmpeg: MS
[export_tcaud.so] v0.9.0 (2007-07-03) (audio) MPEG/AC3/PCM
[export_yuv4mpeg.so] v0.1.10 (2006-10-06) (video) YUV4MPEG2 | (audio)
[import_mp3.so] MP3->PCM
[import_mp3.so] tcextract -a 0 -i "test.avi" -x mp3 -d 0 | tcdecode -x
mp3 -d 0 -z 20000
[transcode] PCM -> AC3
codec type or id mismatches
[transcode] warning: tc_audio_init_ffmpeg: could not open mpa codec !
[encoder.c] warning: audio export module error: init failed
[transcode] critical: failed to init encoder

I have already recompiled ffmpeg-0.5_p20373 and transcode 1.1.5.

Any help would be greatly appeciated!



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