I know with SQL Server you can use dot notation to access objects in  
other databases: dbName.schemaName.tableName. Schema name, owner  
name, user name, whatever... the default is "dbo". Dunno about other  
platforms, might just be dbName.tableName on MySQL.

So if you've pointed a datasource at, say, the Employee database and  
need to point Transfer at a table in the CompanyAssets table you  
should be able to use <object name="DesktopComputer"  
table="CompanyAssets.dbo.DesktopComputers" />.

The databases have to be on the same physical server (or accessible  
using this dot notation from query analyzer anyway)
The user used for the DSN has to have access to the second DB
You have to have the DB.owner.tablename path exact perfect and all 3  
You have to walk 3 counter-clockwise circules around a mature  
unicorn, under a full moon, to get it to work.

You should test it and see if it works! :)


PS - I made the 4th one up. :P

On Nov 24, 2008, at 6:45 PM, Mark Mandel wrote:

> When you say 'multiple dsns', you can't use multiple cf datasources...
> but you can specify in your mapping xml
> <object table="owner.tablefoo" />
> From there, it should just work as normal, assuming your database can
> support it.
> Is that what you were asking? ...

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