Transfer Experts,

I am trying to move an application from my local box (CF8) to the
development area (CF7). The application runs fine of local box and both
server use the same transfer version. Here is my transfer config file

<package name="poll">
<object name="poll" table="poll"
decorator="poll.extensions.components.poll.Poll" sequence="seq_poll">
<id  name="id" type="numeric" />
<manytomany name="Administrator" table="lnk_poll_secuser" lazy="true"
<link column="user_id" to="security.user" />
<link column="poll_id" to="poll.poll" />
<collection type="struct">
<key property="username" />

<package name="security">
<object name="user" table="sec_user"
<id name="id" type="numeric" />

Here is simple test code which creates the error. There is an id in the
database for poll = 1, user = 1 and a row in lnk_poll_secuser for the
corresponding records

<cfset obj = transfer.get( 'poll.poll', 1 ) />
<cfdump var="#obj.getAdministratorIterator()#">

Now I keep getting the following error

Message : The method 'getid' could not be found in component

Any help is greatly appreciated


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