I'm guessing this is because you are assuming the category (or dyp or
whatever) already exists in the database (your doing a get) but I think
you've got a bug here... is* i *really the value you want to retrieve "dyp"
with? or should it be item?

 for(i=1;i lte listLen(arguments.data.categories);i=i+1)
   cat = variables.transferObj.get(*"**dyp", i)*;

What will happen here is that if there is no dyp for one of the values of i
(not item, i) you will get a new unpersisted dyp object. And then when you
try to save the video it won't be able to because that dyp hasn't been

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 6:55 AM, systemseven

> Mark,
> Makes sense, but I'm not sure how to tell transfer what it needs to
> know. Here is the full code from my save function. Maybe that will
> help you point me in the right direction.
>                                if(len(trim(arguments.data.id)))
>                                {
>                                        v =
> variables.transferObj.get('video',arguments.data.id);
>                                        v.setModifiedDate(now());
>                                }
>                                else
>                                {
>                                        v =
> variables.transferObj.new('video');
>                                        v.setCreatedDate(now());
>                                        uuid = CreateUUID();
>                                }
>                                if(len(trim(uuid)))
>                                {
>                                v.setId(uuid);
>                                }
>                                v.setTitle(arguments.data.title);
>                                v.setSummary(arguments.data.summary);
>                                v.setFullStory(arguments.data.fullStory);
>                                v.setVideoFile(arguments.data.videoFile);
>                                v.setInPodcast(arguments.data.inPodcast);
>                                v.setInRSS(arguments.data.inRSS);
>                                v.setOnHomepage(arguments.data.onHomepage);
>  v.setSendToTwitter(arguments.data.sendToTwitter);
>                                v.setPostingDate(postingDate);
>                                if(arguments.data.onHomepage)
>                                {
>                                        v.setHomeDate(homeDate);
>                                }
>                                if(arguments.data.sendToTwitter){
>                                        v.setTwitterDate(twitterDate);
>                                }
>                                if(len(trim(arguments.data.thumbnail))){
>  v.setThumbnailFile(arguments.data.thumbnail);
>                                }
>                                if(len(trim(arguments.data.preview))){
>  v.setPreviewFile(arguments.data.preview);
>                                }
>                                if(arguments.data.inPodcast){
>  v.setPodcastFile(arguments.data.podcastFile);
>                                }
>                                //assign the categories, first clear them
>                                 v.clearCategories();
>                                for(i=1;i lte
> listLen(arguments.data.categories);i=i+1)
>                                {
>  item=ListGetAt(arguments.data.categories,i);
>                                        cat =
> variables.transferObj.get("dyp", i);
>                                        v.addCategories(cat);
>                                }
>                                 //clear tag association, add new tags,
> assign tags to this item
>                                v.clearTags();
>                                for(i=1; i lte ListLen(arguments.data.tags);
> i=i+1){
>                                        item =
> ListGetAt(arguments.data.tags,i);
>                                        //create the tag transfer object
>                                        t =
> variables.transferObj.new('tag');
>                                        t.setId(CreateUUID());
>                                        t.setTagText(item);
>                                        //save it
>                                        variables.transferObj.save(t);
>                                        //associate it with this video
>                                        v.addTags(t);
>                                }
>                                variables.transferObj.save(v);
> On Jan 27, 7:46 am, Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > You are trying to save a video, which has a 'dyp' that has not been
> > persisted in the database.
> >
> > This means Transfer doesn't know what PK value to use for the object.
> >
> > Mark
> >
> > On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 11:40 PM, systemseven
> >
> >
> >
> > <systemsevendesi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > In TransferObject 'video' manytomany 'dyp' has not been persisted in
> > > the database.
> >
> > > I have a video table that is joined to both a category table and a tag
> > > table
> >
> > > In my transfer.xml category and tag are both manytomany relationships
> > > with the video object
> >
> > > When saving the object, the tags get saved but the categories do not
> > > get added to the join table, it throws an error:
> > > In TransferObject 'video' manytomany 'dyp' has not been persisted in
> > > the database.
> >
> > > Is this a common problem? Am I just overlooking something obvious?
> >
> > > ====TRANSFER.XML===
> > > <transfer>
> > >        <objectDefinitions>
> > >                <object name="video" table="videoManager">
> > >                <id name="id" type="string" />
> > >                <property name="title" type="string" />
> > >                        <property name="summary" type="string" />
> > >                        <property name="fullstory" type="string" />
> > >                        <property name="videoFile" type="string" />
> > >                        <property name="thumbnailFile" type="string"
> nullable="true"/>
> > >                        <property name="previewFile" type="string"
> nullable="true"/>
> > >                        <property name="podcastFile" type="string"
> nullable="true"/>
> > >                        <property name="inPodcast" type="numeric" />
> > >                        <property name="inRSS" type="numeric" />
> > >                        <property name="onHomepage" type="numeric" />
> > >                        <property name="sendToTwitter" type="numeric" />
> > >                        <property name="postingDate" type="date" />
> > >                        <property name="twitterDate" type="date"
> nullable="true"/>
> > >                        <property name="homeDate" type="date"
> nullable="true"/>
> > >                        <property name="createdDate" type="date" />
> > >                        <property name="modifiedDate" type="date" />
> >
> > >                        <manytomany name="categories"
> table="vm_categories">
> > >                           <link to="video" column="videoId"/>
> > >                           <link to="dyp" column="dypId"/>
> > >                           <collection type="array">
> > >                                        <order property="title"
> order="asc"/>
> > >                           </collection>
> > >                        </manytomany>
> >
> > >                        <manytomany name="tags" table="vm_tags">
> > >                           <link to="video" column="videoId"/>
> > >                           <link to="tag" column="tagId"/>
> > >                           <collection type="array">
> > >                                        <order property="tagText"
> order="asc"/>
> > >                           </collection>
> > >                        </manytomany>
> >
> > >                </object>
> >
> > >                <object name="dyp" table="dyp_categories">
> > >                        <id name="id" type="string" />
> > >                        <property name="title" type="string" />
> > >                </object>
> >
> > >                <object name="tag" table="tags">
> > >                        <id name="id" type="string" />
> > >                        <property name="tagText" type="string" />
> > >                </object>
> >
> > >        </objectDefinitions>
> > > </transfer>
> > > ===========
> >
> > > =====SAVE FUNCTION=====
> > >                                v.clearCategories();
> >
> > >                                for(i=1;i lte
> listLen(arguments.data.categories);i=i+1)
> > >                                {
> > >
>  item=ListGetAt(arguments.data.categories,i);
> > >                                        cat =
> variables.transferObj.get("dyp", i);
> > >                                        v.addCategories(cat);
> > >                                }
> >
> > > ========================
> >
> > --
> > E: mark.man...@gmail.com
> > W:www.compoundtheory.com
> >

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