Interesting question.  Interesting in that it made me realize that I
have never had a need to do this.  I think that any time I am allowing
nulls in string fields the app doesn't really care whether they're
specifically nulls or not.  So I just accept the default of "" and it
hasn't caused any problems for me.

Just to satisfy my interest, can you give me an example of a use case
where it matters to your app whether the value is null or "".

In terms of a value to use, it doesn't really matter what you use, as
long as you're using Transfer's null-support methods.  That value,
"[[BOOHOOHOO]]" in your example, isn't ever going to get written to
the database.  And if you want to check to see if a property is null,
you wouldn't check for "[[BOOHOOHOO]]", you'd just check
getXxxIsNull().  That's where the default value of "" comes in handy;
it allows you to do things like <cfoutput>myObj.getXxx()</cfoutput>
without having to check getXxxIsNull() first.  I suppose that's why
I've always just kept the default.


On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 8:47 AM, barry.b <> wrote:
> these are for sentinal values so I can maintain nulls
> -1 for bool, Jan 1 100 for dates, etc.
> but if "" is a valid value, suggestions on a suitable value to
> represent NULL for a string?
> somehow "[[BOOHOOHOO]]" (or similar) doesn't quite rock my socks...
> >

Bob Silverberg

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