So, I've been toying with Transfer off and on since CF.Objective, but
I think I've come to a end of my exploration.  I wanted to ping the
like and make sure I'm not missing a solution here.

I have an existing application I'm refactoring using ColdSpring and
wanted to use Transfer too. However - most DTOs in this application do
*not* have a 1-to-1 relationship to a table in the database.  In fact,
I think most projects I work on don't have DTOs with a 1-to-1
relationship to table in the DB (meaning user table = user.cfc).  Alot
of DTOs are composed of several DB tables joined together to represent
a single DTO in the application.

Transfer seems very well suited for applications which are designed to
have a single table pair up with each DTO, but very poorly suited for
applications where the DTOs are flat composites made from several DB

I wanted to confirm the above statement(s) and make sure I hadn't just
misread the situation.


Cameron Childress
Sumo Consulting Inc
cell:  678.637.5072
aim:   cameroncf

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