Before calling getTagsArray():
false - getIsDirty()
false - getTagsIsLoaded()

After calling getTagsArray():
true - getIsDirty()
true - getTagsIsLoaded()

Immediately after first save (save works):
false - getIsDirty()
true - getTagsIsLoaded()

Before second save:
true - getIsDirty()
true - getTagsIsLoaded()

After second save (save fails):
false - getIsDirty()
false - getTagsIsLoaded()

On Nov 2, 2:27 pm, Mark Mandel <> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2009 at 9:25 AM, whostheJBoss 
> <>wrote:
> > Performance is horrid with that many objects. I have since switched to
> > using a query for the large collections (which also fixes the original
> > issue of this post). I had a 2900% increase in performance. I hadn't
> > noticed the performance problems originally, since the objects were
> > still in memory after creation, so they were loading instantly on the
> > view page. After reinitializing my application and then trying to load
> > the objects, the problem is apparent. I was only testing with 5 or 10
> > in the beginning so the problem floated by unnoticed, so I'm glad I
> > switch to a query anyway. Still, the original many-to-many add / get
> > array problem persists in the cases where I only have a few objects. I
> > have been using a query for those as well, but would still like it to
> > work through Transfer  if possible, as I would like to use some of the
> > objects.
> Generally speaking setting up relationships so that they have a huge number
> of objects is a bad idea...
> > To answer your question, yes, this is only happening when the objects
> > are proxied. I will check the results of getIsDirty() and
> > getTagsIsLoaded(), but I should let you know that I have tried
> > running .loadTags(); before calling getTagsArray(), but the issue is
> > unaffected. What results should I have for those two?
> Dirty should be 'true', and isLoaded() should also be true.
> > Oh, a sort of side-note, but having run these queries via TQL to patch
> > the problem, I notice that they are run each time and are not cached.
> > I have taken to copying the generated SQL from Transfer out into a
> > normal <cfquery> so that I can enable caching when I need to. Is there
> > a way to turn on caching for TQL queries?
> There isn't a way to cache TQL results as of yet.
> Mark
> --
> E:
> T:
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