Just to keep updating -

I'm still working on this. EventManager Unit Tests are passing, but a few
are failing in Composite Keys.

cf.Objective(ANZ) is taking up a lot of time this week, but I hope I have
some time to keep working.


On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 10:50 PM, Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The EventManager Unit Tests are the ones that are currently failing at the
> moment ;o)
> Mark
> 2009/11/5 Aurélien DELEUSIÈRE <adeleusi...@gmail.com>
>> Yes, this is the branch I've checked out and I found this xml too.
>> I'm conscient that is not final, I'm using this on my own dev env. I'm
>> just curious to see how is the pain... ;-)
>> I've started to play with, no "big" problem for the moment. The
>> application starts.
>> The events binding seems not working. Will it work or I've to investigated
>> on ehCache side ?
>> ApplicationObserver.cfc->init(application.oTransfer) :
>> // auto register this observer
>> oTransfer.addBeforeCreateObserver(this);
>>  oTransfer.addAfterCreateObserver(this);
>> oTransfer.addBeforeUpdateObserver(this);
>>  oTransfer.addAfterUpdateObserver(this);
>> oTransfer.addBeforeDeleteObserver(this);
>>  oTransfer.addAfterDeleteObserver(this);
>> Thanks!
>> 2009/11/5 Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com>
>>> Aurelien,
>>> The code in progress is not stored in the trunk, it is stored in a
>>> branch.
>>> http://svn.riaforge.org/transfer/transfer/branches/pluggable_cache/
>>> I'm not 100% sure this is ready for general usage yet, as there are
>>> several unit test suites that are not yet completing.  Use very much at your
>>> own risk.
>>> The default ehcache config is found here:
>>> http://svn.riaforge.org/transfer/transfer/branches/pluggable_cache/com/cache/provider/ehcache-lib/ehcache.xml
>>> Although there are plenty of examples in the EHCache documentation.
>>> Mark
>>> 2009/11/5 Aurélien DELEUSIÈRE <adeleusi...@gmail.com>
>>>> Hello Mark -
>>>> Thanks for the work. I've checked out the trunk. I'm going to switch
>>>> this today. I'm discovering the ehcache.xml config (first time). If you 
>>>> have
>>>> a simple ready to use xml file I'm intereted in.
>>>> Thanks -
>>>> Aurelien
>>>> 2009/11/4 Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com>
>>>> Just letting you all know this is alive and kicking.
>>>>> I'm just polishing off the final tests, and resolving any issues that I
>>>>> have found.
>>>>> While this is a break in backwards compatibility, this has simplified
>>>>> much of Transfer architecture, and streamlined it very nicely.
>>>>> Should see some code that is ready for testing in a day or two.
>>>>> Mark
>>>>> On Mon, Nov 2, 2009 at 11:53 PM, Mark Mandel <mark.man...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>> I'm about to go to bed, but I'll give you all an update.
>>>>>> The <objectCache> section now looks akin to this:
>>>>>>     <objectCache>
>>>>>>       <defaultcache
>>>>>> provider="transfer.com.cache.provider.EHCacheProvider">
>>>>>>         <setting name="config" value="/test/resources/ehcache.xml"/>
>>>>>>       </defaultcache>
>>>>>>       <cache class="none.Basic"
>>>>>> provider="transfer.com.cache.provider.NoCacheProvider"/>
>>>>>>       <cache class="none.Child"
>>>>>> provider="transfer.com.cache.provider.NoCacheProvider"/>
>>>>>>   </objectCache>
>>>>>> So the 'provider' attribute specifies what Cache Provider, which is a
>>>>>> CFC that extends AbstractBaseProvider, which can be found here:
>>>>>> http://svn.riaforge.org/transfer/transfer/branches/pluggable_cache/com/cache/provider/AbstractBaseProvider.cfc
>>>>>> The <setting> values get pass to the init() of the Provider.
>>>>>> (Some more basic statistic based methods will be added later for
>>>>>> simple reporting, and tied back into the CacheMonitor)
>>>>>> So you see you can set up a defaultCacheProvider, and also use a
>>>>>> specific CacheProvider for specific classes as well - so you can mix and
>>>>>> match caches (possibly at your own peril ;o) )
>>>>>> Because you can also extend the Provider yourself, you can do all
>>>>>> sorts of weird and wonderful things.
>>>>>> I'm writing up an EHCache one as the default, which will have some
>>>>>> limitations as to the platform it can do things on (No CF7, quite 
>>>>>> possibly
>>>>>> not going to work on some shared hosts, due to classpath restrictions), 
>>>>>> so
>>>>>> I'll be looking for other people to do some intergration as well (A 
>>>>>> ColdBox
>>>>>> cache adapter would be really cool, or any other cache framework).  The 
>>>>>> only
>>>>>> major dependency is that the cache framework has to be able to tell you 
>>>>>> when
>>>>>> something gets discarded, as that is how Objects know to drop collections
>>>>>> and the like when things get deleted/discarded from the cache.
>>>>>> Anyway, it's almost midnight here, I'm gonna grab some shut eye... and
>>>>>> then get up tomorrow morning and rip apart Transfer some more as the 
>>>>>> whole
>>>>>> nation stops for a horse race...
>>>>>> Mark
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>>>>>> T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>>>>>> W: www.compoundtheory.com
>>>>> --
>>>>> E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>>>>> T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>>>>> W: www.compoundtheory.com
>>>> --
>>>> Aurélien Deleusière
>>>> Mobile :  +33 (0)6 83 78 83 42
>>>> ad e-consulting
>>>> expertise 2.0
>>>> 104, Grande Rue - 92310 Sèvres
>>>> S.A.R.L. au capital de 8500€
>>>> R.C.S. Nanterre 50177609000018
>>> --
>>> E: mark.man...@gmail.com
>>> T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
>>> W: www.compoundtheory.com
>>> >>>
> --
> E: mark.man...@gmail.com
> T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
> W: www.compoundtheory.com

E: mark.man...@gmail.com
T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
W: www.compoundtheory.com

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