So.. if I think I understand right...

Basically, I think the issue boils down to this - the object you have in
session may, or may not be in the Transfer cache.

So it may not be updated when the TO in the Transfer cache gets updated.

This is where I would just store the ID of the object you reference in
session, and let Transfer manage the session.

Does that work? Or did I miss the point of this?


On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 7:39 AM, Brian G <> wrote:

> I have members O2M clubmemberships in my app and I have a workflow
> where members can edit clubmemberships on their account.  The
> clubmembership object is lazy loaded and proxied as an array.  The
> flow looks like:
> * member.getClubMembership(clubid)
> * set the values
> * save it
> Obviously sometimes that returns a persisted object and other times it
> returns an unpersisted object when adding a new clubmembership.  To
> avoid polluting the cache, the code today looks like:
> mem = member.clone();
> clubmem = mem.getClubMembership(clubid);
> clubmem.set*(x,y,z);
> if (not clubmem.validate())
>  // report errors to user
> else
> I use the clone so that, if it doesn't pass validation, it doesn't
> leave the original member in the cache with a broken-but-attached
> clubmembership.
> I have been experiencing weird behavior where saving the
> clubmembership does not eliminate the clone'd member and until the
> cache is flushed (discardAll()), running
> transfer.get(member).getClubMembership(clubid) continues to show me
> old values.  E.g., the parentmember is not discarded/synchronized with
> the cache when I save the clubmembership.
> Now, I figured out via a thread from James Allen how to partially
> correct this by introducing a transfer.discard(member) before the
>  However, it hasn't quite fixed it all
> the way so I suspect I may not be addressing the root issue.
> This manifests itself where clubmembership object is M2O on an
> attendee object.  Basically a clubmember can be an attendee for 1-n
> events so the attendee object has two M2Os: clubmembership and event
> along with some other properties.  During the registration process,
> this attendee object is put into the session scope.  Let's call it
> session.attendee.  The issue I'm having is that even after adding the
> discard() before saving the clubmembership, the attendee object in the
> session is still returning the pre-update version of the
> clubmembership when I call attendee.getClubMembership().  Here it is
> in psuedo code:
> // start with a known memberid
> transfer.get(member, id).getClubMembership(clubid).getMemberID() ->
> 1234
> // load the registration form, which creates session.attendee:
> session.attendee.getClubMembership().getMemberID() -> 1234
> // we want to change the member id, so we edit it
> member = transfer.get(member, id);
> mem = member.clone();
> clubmem = mem.getClubMembership(clubid);
> clubmem.setMemberID(6000);
> transfer.discard(mem);
> // now compare the objects in the cache and the session:
> transfer.get(member, id).getClubMembership(clubid).getMemberID() ->
> 6000
> session.attendee.getClubMembership().getMemberID() -> 1234
> session.attendee.getClubMembership().equalsTransfer(transfer.get(member,
> id).getClubMembership(clubid)) -> TRUE
> ????
> Am I wrong in thinking that an attendee object in the session will not
> retrieve its clubmembership from the transfer cache?   The attendee
> object in the session is NOT a clone().
> What should I change to get this to work right so that the
> session.attendee object returns the updated clubmembership?  I can
> tolerate a down and dirty fix for now and a clean fix later. :)
> Brian
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