Hi Robert,

It should not be too difficult, I've added all kind of methods to my 
decorators. This is how I'd do it:

1. The model persists its data in 3 tables for the 2 objects and their many 
to many relationship (foos, bars and lnk_FooBar). Transfer.xml should look 
something like:

<object name="Foo" table="foos" >
 <id name="FooId" column="FOO_ID" type="GUID" generate="true" />
 <property name="Name" type="string" column="name" />
 <manytomany name="Bars" table="lnk_FooBar">
  <link to="...Foo" column="lnkIDFoo"/>
  <link to="...Bar" column="lnkIDBar"/>
  <collection type="array"/>

<object name="Bar" table="bars" decorator="...decorators.Bar">
 <id name="BarId" column="BAR_ID" type="GUID" generate="true" />
 <property name="Name" type="string" column="name" />

The table lnkFooBar should only consist of 2 columns, lnkIDFoo and lnkIDBar.

2. In the decorator for Bar, I'd add the following method:

<cffunction name="getParentFoos" access="public" returntype="Array">
 <cfset var foos = ArrayNew(1) />
 <cfset var qry = getTransfer().createQuery("FROM ...Foo JOIN ...Bar WHERE 
...Bar.BarId = :myId") />
 <cfset var foosQuery = "" />

 <cfset qry.setParam("myId", getBarId()) />
 <cfset foosQuery = getTransfer().listByQuery(qry) />
 <cfloop query="foosQuery">
  <cfset ArrayAppend(foos, getTransfer().get("...Foo", foosQuery.FooId) ) />
 <cfreturn foos />

Every "..." should be replaced with the package name. A similar method could 
obtain structs.



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