[This mail relates to the Decathlon project, hosted at Locamotion's 
Pootle server]

Clytie Siddall wrote:

> Please activate Vietnamese for SpeedCrunch and for anything else for 
> which it is not active. If it can be translated, we want to do it.

Will do.  Remember that SpeedCrunch's main GUI is not on Pootle yet. 
Only a small section of the help file and the web site is on Pootle. 
The SpeedCrunch dev team is currently migrating their GUI from QT/ts to 
Gettext PO, but I'm not sure when the migration will be complete.

In the mean time I've been experimenting with various ways to implement 
TS support on Pootle.  One hopeful solution may be XLIFF, but the 
Toolkit's XLIFF support lacks certain features which makes certain TS 
files unuseable (notably Psi's TS files).  I've recently had some 
success with Swordfish (and they've just added TS support in their 
latest public release) so I'll have another look.

> I notice also that we aren't listed for TuxPaint. We have it 
> fully-translated at the Translation Project, but it's no longer 
> displayed on our team page there.

I actually posted a notice on the Tux Paint translators' mailing list to 
invite any Tux Paint translator to make use of the Locamotion server for 
their translations.  I'm sorry you missed that conversation -- I'll 
update Tux Paint for Vietnamese.  I just don't want to activate Tux 
Paint for languages if I don't have specific cooperation from the 
existing translators, hence my caution.


Samuel Murray
Decathlon, for volunteer opensource translations

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