Daniel Schafer wrote:

> Samuel wrote:

>> How will the web page distinguish between a user who clicks the text
>> because he wants to copy it, and a user who clicks the text because  
>> he wants to edit it?

> I hadn't thought about the use case where a user would want to copy  
> the text; the two actions would definitely interfere with each other.   
> Having not done a lot of translation work myself, is copying the  
> current translation a common activity?

Given Pootle's dismal support (or rather, unsupport) for real-time 
translation memory management and on-demand fuzzy matching, users of 
Pootle would regularly copy parts of the target text from elsewhere in 
the file.  I suspect :-).

What I mean is that if you have text like this:
This is a blue box.
This is a red box.
This is a green box.
This is a orange box.
...the user in Pootle has to retype the entire segment every time.  In a 
real CAT tool, the tool would offer fuzzy matches directly after a 
similar source text was translated, thus saving the translator time.

Okay, this is a short example, but for longer examples where previous 
segments are very similar to the current segment, is would be very 
likely that translators copy pieces of text from previous segments, to 
save time and typing effort.


Samuel Murray
Decathlon, for volunteer opensource translations

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