Technically Samuel is in charge :) certainly of what gets chosen for
Decathlon.  Some (re)explanation of the goals of decathlon might help
people understand how we arrived at choices.

Initially we worked hard to get buyin from people.  That was the first
avenue and delivered some results but not major.  We have worked on some
things like terminology, PO cleanup, etc to try to win favour with

Our new strategy is simply this.  Lets translate the best softwre, that
can make the highest cross platform impact.  Screw the projects (within
reason of course).  We care about localisation really.

So we do choose what we want to do in Decathlon.  As far as other
projects we prefer to see them host Pootle servers:,
Mozilla, Creative Commons all have their own.  Call it a two pronged
approach and we really want users who have seen the benefit to help
encourage others to use Pootle.  If you consider that its taken quite a
long time to get Mozilla involved but now they are doing some amazing
coding then you realise that this is a very good approach to growing the
group of people helping to make Pootle better.

Do don't forget to thank all the nice coders.  And don't stop suggesting
good applications for Decathlon.  But think high impact and multiplier

On Wed, 2008-07-09 at 20:43 +0200, Samuel Murray (Groenkloof) wrote:
> [This mail relates to the Locamotion Pootle server]
> Choi, JiHui wrote:
> > I'm gathering korean translators. and introducing the
> > decathlon. but in korean project there's a few project-
> > Art of Illusion, Pootle, TuxGuitar
> > and I recommand another projects.
> > gimp :
> > gimp-gap :
> > scribus :
> > blender :
> > simple backup :
> Unfortunately I'm not in charge of deciding which projects are hosted on 
>'s Pootle server, but I hear what you're saying -- you're 
> an experienced user of Pootle and you prefer to use Pootle for all your 
> open source translation needs.
> We did consider Blender for the Decathlon project at some stage (my last 
> communication with them was 18 February, in fact), but Art of Illusion 
> won in the end, because I didn't get any response from the Blender l10n 
> person.  AOI is not a bad choice, though -- it is smaller than Blender 
> (16000 words versus 3200 words) and it has extensive documentation and 
> user support groups.  And I suspect one can use much of the AOI 
> translations when translating Blender, since they are similar programs. 
>   Do you have contact with the Blender l10n people?  Do you know if the 
> POT file is available somewhere?
> Scribus was also on my "really want to do" list, but their localisation 
> system uses QT/ts, which the Translate Toolkit doesn't support, and 
> what's more, translators have to generate/compile their own QT files 
> from source (which requires a fair degree of technical know-how).
> I didn't consider GIMP for the Decathlon because GIMP is part of the 
> Gnome project, and it would have been very cumbersome to integrate the 
> Gnome l10n system with Decathlon's initial goals.  I really tried to get 
> other graphics editors.  For example, I was quite optimistic about 
> GQView, but then it got forked.  Wings 3D looked good, but the Toolkit 
> can't handle its Erlang l10n files :-).  Dia showed much potential but 
> unfortunately it is part of the Gnome project.  FreeCAD uses QT files. 
> And Sodipodi is pretty much an abandoned project.
> As I said, I'm not in charge of what is hosted at Locamotion, but if you 
> want to use Pootle for GIMP etc, I think it would be a shame if you 
> can't find hosting somewhere.
> Samuel
Dwayne Bailey
Managing Director                               +27 12 460 1095 (w)                                +27 83 443 7114 (c)

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