On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 09:28:07AM +0200, Samuel Murray (Groenkloof) wrote:
> F Wolff wrote:
> > On Vr, 2008-07-11 at 07:26 +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> >> A user of the Debian server asks me if there's a way to reste his
> >> password in the Pootle server.
> > Unfortunately not that the user himself can initiate.
> Actually, if a user knows the correct procedure, he can initiate it.  A 
> simple solution for now would be to have a little message on the "login 
> failed" page saying:
> ==
> If you can't remember your password, please send an e-mail to xyz, and 
> include the following information:
> * Your real name
> * Your Pootle user name
> * Your original e-mail address
> * Your original activation code (if available)
> * What you want your new password to be
> * Which projects and which languages you contributed to (if any)
> ==
> The server admin guy can then make a best guess about whether the user 
> is probably the same as the registered one, and reset the password. 
> Would this be doable?  Should I submit the RFE?
> Samuel

As an administrator of a pootle instance, I would MUCH rather have a
procedure like mailman's password reminder or any number of other
webapp's password reset with a one-time-use URL.

If I have to be personally involved in the password reset procedure,
then the procedure doesn't scale well at all.

Cristóbal Palmer
ibiblio.org systems administrator

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