Op Ma, 2010-08-16 om 17:42 -0700 skryf Langtechie The:
> Hello,
> The installation guide for "Translate toolkit"
> (http://translate.sourceforge.net/wiki/toolkit/installation) says:
> -setup.exe => A complete Windows installer containing all
> dependencies, including Python
> .exe => An installer for a Windows with Python and other dependencies
> already installed
> Therefore, if I have the latest Python 2.7 already installed on
> Windows, I should choose the .exe (not -setup.exe) installer for
> Translate toolkit.
> So, under the download page:
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/translate/files/Translate%20Toolkit/
> I found:
> v1.7.0
> Translate Toolkit-1.7.0-setup.exe
> v1.2.0
> translate-toolkit-1.2.0.win32.exe
> Translate-Toolkit-1.2.0-setup.exe
> i.e. The non-setup.exe is only available up to v1.2, yet Pootle
> currently requires toolkit v1.5 or up.  For 1.7, only the -setup.exe
> is available.  The non-setup.exe is missing, it seems.
> I made the mistake of choosing the 1.7 setup.exe to install toolkit,
> and as a result got the "bad magic number" error.
> Question: Is the correct installer, translate-toolkit-1.7.0.win32.exe,
> available somewhere?
> Thanks!!!
> LT

If you want to run Pootle on Windows, I think the very newest version
would be better than Pootle 2.0, along with the release of the Translate
Toolkit from yesterday.

I also built a Windows installer for the Translate Toolkit that is not a
complete -setup.exe file.  You can find it here:
Please let me know if that works out well, then we can maybe add it to
the official uploads.

So in summary, I would suggest you try Pootle 2.1.0 with Translate
Toolkit 1.8.0, which have many improvements over the previous versions,
and in fact I think should fix some issues with running on Windows.

Keep well

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