Op Ma, 2011-03-28 om 11:42 +0200 skryf Nick Ruiz:
> Hello,
> I'm writing some back-end code to automate translations. I would like to 
> populate a Unit object with a target multistring. I would like to learn 
> more about the multistring object in relation to translations; 
> unfortunately, the API doesn't provide me with enough information about 
> the behavior of multistrings.
> How should I create a multistring to store a translation? Should I 
> construct it with the following:
> s = "hello world"
> ms = multistring(s)
> What about multiple translations? Is this correct?
> ss = ["hello world", "hi world", "hello earth"]
> ms = multistring(ss)
> How do I access each of the translations? If I use ms.strings, I get the 
> following:
> [multistring([u'hello world',u'hi world',u'hello earth']), u'hi world', 
> u'hello earth']
> I see that I can get the alternative translations by referencing 
> ms.strings[1] and ms.strings[2], but how should I access the first 
> string (e.g. "hello world")? If I use unicode(ms), I can get "hello 
> world", but is this the best approach?
> If I want to add another translation, should I use ms.strings.append("hi 
> earth")?
> What are your recommendations for best practices for working with 
> multistring? I want to make sure that my code follows the use of your 
> patterns correctly.

Hallo Nick

Most of what you write looks correct. You can construct a multistring
with a list or another multistring if you want plurals. A simple string
gives you a multistring with a single (singular only) entry.
ms.strings[0] is always just ms itself. Not sure it is important or
useful in itself, but that is the way it is. Casting to Unicode is a
good approach as you suggest.

In general I wouldn't use ms.strings.append, but assign a new
multistring initialised with a list to .source or .target or similar. It
might just be a bit safer, I think.

Keep well

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