On 2011-05-10 14:05, Michael Bauer wrote:
> 10/05/2011 12:48, sgrìobh Dwayne Bailey:
>> I can help you with these:
>> Fennec - I'm not currently processing these.
>> fx4 - I'll enable your language - please be aware that it takes a bit
>> of time from my side when we get close to pushing these translations
>> back to Mozilla.  Before I enable this one do you have any old Scots
>> Gaelic translations that need recovery.  This will very soon reflect
>> Fx Aurora and we'll drop stable/beta.
>> fx4 test - ignore that
>> fx3.6 - we won't be doing any more work on that one
>> So let me know about any old Fx translations that I can recover and
>> then I'll enable for you.
> Ok so it's mainly Fx 4/Aurora. I'm pretty much up to date on all of
> those. I could zip up my local repo or perhaps there is some way for you
> of pulling them from Mozilla?
Yeah I can pull them if they're in Mozilla.  Although I only really want 
to pull released versions so that they align en-US to Scots Gaelic.
> I'm not too worried about pushing them to Mozilla - as i said before I'm
> still happy working with Narro (now that the blip seems to be over) but
> Narro is a bit of a one man band just now and I'd like a backup for my
> locale that someone could maintain who hasn't been sleeping with it for
> the last year or so.
Our files are in PO format so there's a bit of work to covert things 
from Mozilla to PO.  I'm not sure it's that helpful as a backup since 
your translations seem to be in Mozilla Mercurial repo already.  As a 
backup translation platform I can get you going in a few hours.  So 
unless you are actually going to use Pootle to translate I don't think 
there is much value.
> If that's a bad idea, let me know?
I think it is :) So unless you plan to use Pootle to translate I think 
you are pretty much covered in terms of backup.
> Cheers,
> Michael


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