Op Do, 2011-12-08 om 12:30 +0200 skryf Jason Pickering:
> Hi there. I am trying to get a Pootle server running, and am running
> into this. Any ideas what I may be doing wrong?
> Server Error
> An error has occurred. Thank you for your patience.
> getobject() got an unexpected keyword argument 'classes'

Hallo Jason, and welcome to the Pootle community.

To solve problems like these, it is important to know the exact version
of all of the software you have installed that might be relevant to your
setup. Specifically, the versions of these software:
 - Pootle
 - The Translate Toolkit
 - Django
 - Python

My wild guess is that you have an old version of the Translate Toolkit,
but as I say, that is just a guess. Can you maybe reply to the list with
all of these software versions?

Keep well

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