Hi Robert,

We have setup a Pootle server for translation of localization files (.xlf
> format). These files are used by our backend code to provide localized
> text on
> the frontend of a  website. Our code, including the language files, is
> under
> Git. I am trying to develop a process where the language files are checked
> into
> a Git repository by the developer, the language files are moved from Git
> to the
> Pootle server. Once the translation is completed on the Pootle server, the
> files
> can be moved back into Git. Would like to automate this as much as
> possible.

Has anyone done something similar to this? I am new to Pootle, so do not
> know
> what is available, so am reading through the documentation. From our
> "About this
> Pootle Server" Link: Pootle 2.6.0-rc2 is powered by Translate Toolkit
> 1.13.0.

We at Evernote use the continuous localization approach. We have our own
system that automatically does all the synchronization between version
control (i.e. Git), internal translation memory database and translation
server (in our case, it's also Pootle). The process looks like this:
developers commit localized files into Git, our robot picks up the changes
and publishes them in Pootle. Once something is translated, it downloads
changes from Pootle, generates localized files and pushes them to Git. This
process is continuous, and depending on the size of the translatable
codebase and the number of languages, the turnaround time can be as little
as a few minutes. VCS conflict resolution is handled as well, but due to
the nature of our system the conflicts never happen anyway, since
developers only touch source (English) files, and all changes to
localization files are made by the l10n robot. Our system also supports
many source file formats so that developers don't need to do anything extra
for localization — they simply use native resource file formats.

The good news for you might be to know that we're planning to open-source
our solution. I'm currently preparing the documentation and cleaning up the

The [somewhat] bad news is that opening the code for public access will not
likely happen until October. However, I'm interested in having someone play
with the tool and documentation before it gets released. So if you are not
opposed to signing an NDA with Evernote, we might be able to share
something earlier (feel free to write me privately for that).

P.S.: out of curiosity, may I know the reasons you chose XLIFF format? Do
you internally convert some native resource format into XLIFF, and then
convert XLIFF back to it before using it in front-end code?

Best regards,
Igor Afanasyev
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