The IESG has approved the following document:
- 'TRILL Smart Endnodes'
  (draft-ietf-trill-smart-endnodes-11.txt) as Proposed Standard

This document is the product of the Transparent Interconnection of Lots of
Links Working Group.

The IESG contact persons are Alvaro Retana, Alia Atlas and Deborah Brungard.

A URL of this Internet Draft is:

Technical Summary

   This draft addresses the problem of the size and freshness of the
   endnode learning table in edge RBridges, by allowing endnodes to
   volunteer for endnode learning and encapsulation/decapsulation.  Such
   an endnode is known as a "Smart Endnode".  Only the attached edge
   RBridge can distinguish a "Smart Endnode" from a "normal endnode".
   The smart endnode uses the nickname of the attached edge RBridge, so
   this solution does not consume extra nicknames.  The solution also
   enables Fine Grained Label aware endnodes.

Working Group Summary

 1)  1st WG LC: 8/26 to 9/9/2016, extended to (10/4 to 10/18/2016) 
Problem/Resolution pots:

2) Shepherd's comments caused a version-05
Posting of -05.txt:
[Shepherd Ack:] 

3) July 2017 problem posting: (Donald Eastlakre)
[posting of -06.txt] to fix Donald comments

4) Version 06 of the TRILL smart nodes 
Fixes the the issues in 2017 posting, and the hybrid "endnodes" complexity 
The security considerations section provides the necessary security, but
a query has been raised to the AD whether a summary of how this 
end node fits in other drafts.  

If the security ADs, are concerned with the group keying. 
the TRILL WG has a group keying solution 
(draft-ietf-trill-group-keying-01), and a specific adaptation of this 
to the draft-ietf-trill-link-gk-profiles-00.txt.
If the security ADs feel this is important, they could adopt the 
draft-ietf-trill-group-keying-01 into the security dispatch area. 
Alia Atlas (AD) has spoken to the rtgwg area about taking on 
the trill-link-gk-profiles-00l.txt into the rtgwg for a parallel review. 

(Note this issue comes after the 1/19/2018 discussion with the 
Security ADs on routing security in routing drafts.] 

Document Quality

This draft is part of the TRILL WG directory service work item.  
The lack of directory services was one of the major challenges deployments 
of TRILL have encounter in the field.  This solution has prototype 
implementations in a few of the vendors. 


  Document shepherd: Susan Hares 
  AD: Alia Atlas  

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