I am getting sick of this. Just go and read ALL the writings on gnu.org and fsf.org and if you still don't get it, Read Them again and again and again. Like I did. Constantly think about it for one mouth. Don't let your self not take note of other details so all you end up doing is being stuck on one detail.

The company loses out because then they don't benefit from other company’s mods. You lose respect from the freedom caring public.

Look at android, do people go to the effort of not paying for apps or do they just click install? In which case this fear is a load of rubbish! grrrrrrrr.

Make use of Bitcoin. With this and package management you can have auto donate. Easy.

On 24/09/12 04:27, tegskywal...@hotmail.com wrote:
People love it and one day a company hires you to do a project. With a
BSD or MIT license, you can take your application and add proprietary
hooks for that company and make it non-free. I know some people say that
is custom software even though the "base" code is under a permissive
license with proprietary plugins or hooks for that company.

Yes that may fall into a custom application, but also doesn't make the
company you created this for freak out that they have to release their
code if you put under a GPL license instead of BSD. They may say their
modifications give them a "competitive advantage" and being forced to
release the code may not be what they want. There are a lot of grey
areas with companies regarding the GPL and GPL v3 is especially scary
for the lawyers that advise these companies.

As for the people saying that you can sell GPL licensed code, that may
work if the people recieving it don't know that they can also get it for
free. If they can get for for free with the complete source code, why
would they pay $100+ for it? With a custom or proprietary version of
your code, they don't have that luxury.

So take a look at where your life is right now. Are you a student or a
programmer who relies on donations and are doing this so you can fit in
with the bearded evangelists? Choose GPL. Are you trying to make money
as a software company either independent or the boss of a big company?
Open source the base of your code under a permissive non-GPL license so
people of the "community" can fix your issues and beta test that portion
for free while you lock up the rest of the code and either sell or
license to clients and/or customers.

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