On 11/01/2012 11:14 PM, ch...@thinkpenguin.com wrote:
It isn't possible to operate ThinkPenguin solely on the funds from Trisquel and other free distributions. Trisquel is not an insubstantial contributor to our bottom line though. It's far surpassed what I ever thought possible. We don't support Trisquel for the money. It has to do with it being pure to the cause. If it wasn't there is zero chance I'd have contacted Rubén about it. There are certain things that Trisquel excels at though. One of them is hardware support. I'll take some credit for this. It's not so much that you have a broad ray of compatible hardware as you have a small set of hardware that works well. Linux Mint, Ubuntu, and other distributions can't compete with Trisquel here. They include non-free components that could lose support from the manufacturer at any given time.

Adobe's Flash
Oracle's Java
Lexmark printers

Alongside many others. There have been issues in the recent past and there is no reason think that companies are going to stop discontinuing hardware or support. There is a threat to losing support for anything dependent on non-free software. Even where the license agreements ensure that companies can continue to distribute a piece of non-free software there is no way to make sure that software continues to be safe to distribute. It doesn't even take one zero-day exploit to cause Canonical to pull support for a component you depend on.

I appreciate Chris’s efforts in supporting free-software. I am using one of his laptops at this time running Trisquel 5.5

Tom Gilliard
Bend Oregon
satellit on #trisquel and #sugar freenode IRC

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