I forgot to mention the --ignore-swap parameter, sorry. From tomb's man page:

By default, Tomb will abort any create and open operation if swap is used (see SWAP section for details). This flag will disable this behaviour. NOTE: it is not secure to do so, unless you know that your swap is encrypted.

So you should read the man page first (when you have installed tomb):

$ man tomb

Then you know what to do. After reading it myself again, I realized I have made quite a few mistakes in my previous posts. The command to start the interactive tomb creation mode is:

$ sudo tomb-open

(Yes, it is "tomb-open") After creating a tomb, a key and password for it, you can open the tomb like this:

$ sudo tomb open --ignore-swap -k /path/to/your/key /path/to/your/tomb-file

(Yes, now it is "tomb open")
--ignore-swap parameter is mandatory if you have a swap partition.
-k parameter specifies the location of the key.

Again, sorry for giving you false instructions. I hope this helps. Remember that creating a tomb can take some time even if you are creating a small one. Please, give tomb a second try and don't let my mistakes hinder you.

Happy Hacking.

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