I decided to try burning some video to a blank DVD with Brasero, by creating a new video project and selecting an Ogg Theora/Vorbis video file, but when I click "Burn", I get this:

> Please install the following manually and try again:
> mplex (GStreamer plugin).

Since there's no "mplex" package, I did "aptitude search gstreamer", and it seems that I have all the GStreamer plugins installed (including the ones called "bad" and "ugly"). I wasn't able to figure out what "mplex" is from a search, though a search for ``ubuntu mplex`` suggests to me that it's related to MPEG: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/man1/mplex.1.html

Normally I would just stop here and assume that mplex requires or is nonfree software, and I would do that here too, except it's bothering me because Brasero is a GNOME package, and creating a video DVD is just one of the options it gives you up-front. Is it simply only possible to burn video DVDs with nonfree software, or does it not work on Trisquel for some other reason?

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