I have a Intel Atom N570. duel care 1.66 per core but with 2 more "virtual cores" and *2GB* ram. When my 4GB swap gets to 14% used, my system starts to become unusable.

Attached is my Conky config. Conky is a system monitor that is running at the bottom of my screen which displays status info like my ram and swap usage. So with a quick glance I can have a look at my state of my system and know if it's about to get unusable and so to do something about it.

btw there is a dot char at the beginning of the config file name. Don't forget your file manager will hide this file.

On 18/03/13 23:03, Dave Hunt wrote:
It's a netbook with an Atom cpu and a gig of ram.  Slow chip + orca
overhead = very lagged GNOME Shell.  :)

background no
total_run_times 0
update_interval 1.0
no_buffers yes
double_buffer yes

alignment bottom_middle
gap_x 0
gap_y 0
#alignment bottom_right
#gap_x 5
#gap_y 10

cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2

out_to_console no
out_to_stderr no

extra_newline no
use_spacer right
pad_percents 3
minimum_size 800,8
#maximum_width 1024

border_width 1
stippled_borders 1
border_outer_margin 0
border_inner_margin 0

default_outline_color pink
default_shade_color lightpink
color1 black
color2 red
color3 483C7A

draw_borders no
draw_graph_borders yes
draw_outline no
draw_shades yes

show_graph_scale no
show_graph_range no

format_human_readable yes
use_xft yes
# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 5.5
xftfont Monospace:size=8
uppercase no

own_window_type panel
#For OnTop
#own_window_type normal
#own_window_hints undecorated,above,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window yes
own_window_class Conky
own_window_argb_visual no
#own_window_argb_value 200
own_window_transparent no
own_window_colour FFFF8C

${color1}RAM:${color2}$memfree ${color1}Swp:${color2}$swapperc% ${color1}~/ 
${color2}${fs_free /home/alexander} ${color1}/ ${color2}${fs_free /} 
${color1}Up:${color2}${upspeedgraph 8,40 wlan0} ${upspeed wlan0} ${color1}TUp: 
${color2}${totalup wlan0} ${color1}Down:${color2}${downspeedgraph 8,40 wlan} 
${downspeed wlan0} ${color1}TDwn: ${color2}${totaldown wlan0} ${color1}Upt: 
${color2}$uptime ${color1}CPU:${color2}$cpu% ${color1}Temp: ${color2}$acpitemp

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