Hey there.
I have been experimenting with Tor for quite some time now, and I have read and watched a lot of presentations by the Tor team.
Some information you might find useful:

1. Viewtube won't work (viewtube loads plugins from your OS, that could not respect your proxy settings, so Tor Browser blocks that from happening). 2. Installing ANYTHING in Tor Browser is dangerous, because it makes it easy for your browser to be fingerprinted and followed around on the web, even using Tor. Don't do so, if you need strong anonymity. 3. I believe you might find useful and interesting some presentations about Tor. here are some links, the first one was amazing, others were very revealing too!


Some of this stuff is available on internet archive (you can try to find them there, if you can't or don't want to use youtube).

Anyway, I don't think we should use Tor as a way to watch copyrighted material anyway.... Tor was meant to protect people privacy freedom and rights. By taking for free what someone expected to get money from, you are harming that person's right of work and freedom of choice. It also gives bad image to Tor and makes it harder to fight for changes in Public Domain laws. Please, I am not saying you are a bad person for watching copyrighted material, I am just saying that it actually harms you own cause more than it helps. You could try to think about it and maybe find alternatives =) I would be happy to help, since I did so myself some time ago.

As for keeping your copy of Tor Browser safe and secure, from time to time delete the folder, clean cache and history, and extract Tor again from the TAR file. It's a good policy to do so =)

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