Well, this is indeed a very important issue, and we should all look at it as a priority. I don't have Java installed (any kind of it, free or not), and I don't have flash either (gnash or flash or whatever). And for people who don't need them, I would suggest you uninstall them.

Another thing I have noticed some time ago... when I try to install UFW, it says that it's "not a verified source" or something like that. Every time I install Trisquel it happens. Why? I thought all the packages in Trisquel repositories were from the same source and all verified by Ruben...???

So, yeah, if you don't need openjava and gnash, uninstall them and that will actually make you a little bit safer.
Also, using UFW and ClamAV might actually help a little bit.
But, still, we need to help Ruben make Trisquel more up to date in terms of security issues. Problem is, how? I don't know programming enough to help him =S

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