First, I was not ranting. Second, the only person I directly replied to was quantum gravity and it was a different separate reply.

As for what you write, I believe it was with you that I changed some emails the other week, but if it wasn't here goes some information. People who need audio books (because they are blind, or just because they like to listen rather than read) are always up to download a pirate copy of a audio book. They know the websites by heart, they know the software they need to use and they will know how to use torrents better than even me! But you talk to them about Librivox project, and they will say they never heard of that! And keep in mind that Librivox has a perfect web interface which gives you:
-all the different versions of each audio book;
-the gutenberg text links;
-images in public domain related to the audio book;

How can you say that piracy is not evil and harms people when it helps preventing people to gain access and knowledge of free content like Librivox recordings???

I could maybe agree with you that you may actually want to read up to date books. But piracy will not solve that problem. When they bring piracy down for good, with a law like SOPA or PIPA, the companies will have a total monopoly and you will get stuck with that they give you. The solution would be to fight NOW to get freedom from that. Encourage writers and companies to provide free audio versions for blind people for example! Or just encourage a system that allows people to make a living out of Creative Commons licensed content. Make the world a better place, don't just sit back and enjoy piracy while you can! That's my whole point!

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