Well, I don't know where you live (and I am not asking, don't take it in the wrong way please) but in my place, everyone knows "piracy" usually refers to illegal copies. Problem is, they accept it as much as they accept windows =S I don't know what is worse, but I would say windows is worse. Even if, it would be funny to see the government using windows backdoors to find out who is doing active piracy and shutting them down. The day that starts happening, I won't have to worry, as I don't do piracy.... And also because I protect myself online. But people who say "everyone does piracy, and everyone uses windows, so it's ok to do it"... Those people will get it the hard way ;) Eheh, actually the thought was good... maybe a clean lesson on RESPECT would do our world good *.* People would learn the values of freedom, security, respect... CC and PD would be finally accepted.... It would probably be good ;)

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